February 2021 Webinar
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SRS Webinar
Feb 23, 2021
1:00 pm CT
Emery Silva: Engaging, Enjoyable and Effective Virtual Trainings in MPD

If you’re confused about how to translate your time-tested Ministry Partner Development (MPD) trainings into a Zoom platform and concerned about keeping your audience awake in the process, you’re not alone. Effective virtual training requires contextualization to your audience, a variety of teaching styles and creative touches. Join Emery Silva with InterVarsity as she covers the ways to adjust your training for your specific audience. She will dig into best ways to teach, model, practice and coach MPD in shorter virtual sessions than you expected all while underlining the necessity of grounding your training in Scripture and prayer.

Emery Silva,
Associate Director of Ministry Partnership Development,
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Emery followed God’s call to ministry over 23 years ago, first as a campus minister at Northwestern University, where she planted and grew an InterVarsity chapter for fraternity and sorority students for 16 years, while supporting InterVarsity’s 5 multi-ethnic and ethnic-specific chapters as well. In 2012, she became an MPD coach in Chicagoland and then joined InterVarsity’s first national MPD Leadership Team. As Associate Director, she created and directed a strategic plan program in which veteran staff engage in one-month MPD sprints and raise an average of $11k. Over the past two years, she has led over 175 staff in this program and by God’s grace, they have raised a cumulative total of more than $2.1MM. Emery and her husband John are the proud parents of two teenagers, one tween and one rambunctious puppy.

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