As a ministry worker, raising support can be a daunting task. It doesn't have to be intimidating though. It isn't about money or asking people to give. It is about looking to God to provide for you. He has given you a vision for ministry, and now you get to invite others into that vision. Your job is to pray and work hard to discover those whom the Lord has already prepared to invest in you and your ministry. God has done His work. Now it's time for you to do yours.
A case in point: Nehemiah was very nervous about meeting with the wealthiest, most powerful man on the planet. He was asking King Artaxerxes to fund his Jerusalem restoration project. But when it came time to make his appeal, this lowly cupbearer first looked up to the Person who really provides resources. At the moment of truth, Nehemiah lifted his heart and made The God Ask. In Nehemiah 2:4 he describes the exchange: "Then the king said to me, 'What would you request?' So I prayed to the God of heaven."
Instead of going into appointments fearing what your fellow man will say, you can have confidence that God is superintending the whole process. This book will help you embrace the fact that this is not a Man Ask. No. It is a God Ask!
Paperback, 352 pages.
"Steve Shadrach’s The God Ask is destined to be one of the classic rock-solid books on raising personal support. Every Christian worker and missions executive needs to include this book in their support-raising training curriculum. As Steve says, we are mobilizing people, not money. The God Ask will help you adjust your lens of faith so that you can clearly see that God’s net worth has not changed since the day of creation, and He is committed to funding His mission.”
ELLIS F. GOLDSTEIN – National Director, Ministry Partner Development for Cru, the U.S. ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ
"Full of practical tools and biblical foundations, The God Ask turns our focus away from our fears and toward faith in God's abundance. Shadrach inspires us toward excellence, courage, and humility. A must-have resource for anyone engaged in support raising!"
TOM LIN – Vice President and Director of Urbana, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship?
“Myself and hundreds of our FCA staff have been impacted by Steve’s inspiring ways to raise funds to advance God’s Kingdom. Unlock the vault for God’s blessings for you and your ministry. Read this book!”
COACH LES STECKEL – President/CEO, Fellowship of Christian Athletes
“Asking for support is an aspect of ministry many Christian workers don’t look forward to. Steve Shadrach takes the edge off of what may be the tensest moment for a future servant of God. It is biblical and influenced by his many years in ministry.”
TOMMY NELSON – Senior Pastor, Denton Bible Church
“After twenty-five years of living on support, I finally got trained by Steve in this material and realized how much I was doing wrong! Steve’s practical suggestions and challenging perspectives produce results. I always recommend his Boot Camp for those going into full-time Christian work. Now it’s in written form! This is a must read for every person who seeks to raise their support to serve the King!"
BOB SJOGREN – President, UnveilinGLORY
“Steve Shadrach’s The God Ask is outstanding and engaging. He builds a sound biblical basis for raising personal support for ministry. Shadrach’s own study and experience as a “faith missionary” makes the book captivating. The God Ask is integral to the vision of funding and clearly practical in what our part is and how it works. Everyone in ministry needs to read this book. If every Christian read this book, there would be plenty of money to support God’s purposes throughout the world.”
DENNIS GAYLOR – National Director, Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, USA
“A must-read for every missionary. Steve trumpets the clear truth that God will fully fund every bit of your calling you are willing to trust Him for. Then he shows you how. He gives the deep, biblical foundation for realizing God’s provision, but also the proven, practical steps to enable anyone — even an introvert like me — to do their part in confidently seeing that provision become a reality.”
MIKE D. RIGGINS – Missionary Deployment Coordinator, North American Mission Board, SBC
“The God Ask is biblical, practical, and relevant. It will revolutionize your walk and your work in building and sustaining your partnership development team so you can have maximum impact in your life, family, and ministry!”
DAVE MEYERS – Director of Development, New Tribes Mission USA
“I have known Steve Shadrach for over twenty-five years, and he has always focused on getting the gospel to more and more people around the world. He has a passion and commitment to train workers with excellent God-centered tools for funding their ministry. These tools have benefited Christian workers around the world, including many with Campus Outreach. The God Ask is one excellent resource.”
MIKE HEARON – Global Resource Team, Campus Outreach
“We send all our church planters to Steve’s personal support-raising training. In The God Ask, Steve equips, empowers, and inspires you. He’s thought through every detail of what you need to do. If you’re only going to read one book on support raising, The God Ask is a must-read!”
DR. BOB ROWLEY – Evangelical Free Church of America
“I have read this book twice already. I can’t get enough. You will walk away saying, Please Lord, allow me the honor of raising support.”
DR. TODD AHREND – International Director, The Traveling Team
“Every person on earth needs to encounter Jesus Christ and the salvation He alone offers. This means the world needs workers for the harvest who are fully converted, fully trained and fully funded. Steve Shadrach, in The God Ask, provides a deeply biblical and powerfully convincing call for those who are sent into mission to never go alone. Called by God and accompanied by Him, we will be fully equipped when we have the prayers and full financial support we need to share the gospel without reserve.”
CURTIS MARTIN – Founder & President, FOCUS-Fellowship of Catholic University Students
Table of Contents
Section 1: Unleashed!
1 The Button
2 Greatest Obstacles
3 100% in 100 Days
4 Fresh Paradigms
5 Go "All In"
Section 2: Big Faith, Big Asks
6 God's Old Testament Ministers
7 Nehemiah's Vision
8 Jesus and Support
9 Paul the Mobilizer
10 A Supporting Cast
Section 3: The Secret Privilege
11 You Can't. God Can.
12 Choosing Passion
13 Worthy of the Wage
14 Treasure Transplanting
15 Vision-Driven Funding
16 Power of Asking
Section 4: Prepare for Impact
17 Maximizing Your Fruitfulness
18 Namestorming
19 Dollars and Sense
20 Outfitting Your Toolbelt
21 Crafting Your Schedule
Section 5: It's Go Time
22 Entering the Zone
23 Building Bridges
24 Sharing Your Vision
25 Finishing Strong
26 You Need the Church
Section 6: Nurture Your Flock
27 Three Laws of Giving
28 The Love Bank
29 Communication Lines
30 Thrive!
31 D-Day
About the Author
Dr. Steve Shadrach has a passion for developing laborers for Christ to reach the world. He has been involved with many different collegiate ministries, and has served as Pastor of Students and Missions at University Baptist Church in Fayetteville, AR. He is also the founder of Student Mobilization, which focuses on evangelizing and discipling college students in the U.S. and abroad, The Traveling Team, and The Bodybuilders ministry, seeking to “build up the body of Christ”. He also served as the Director of Mobilization for the U.S. Center for World Mission, overseeing the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement program. Dr. Shadrach has a Masters in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary and a Doctorate of Ministry in Church and Parachurch Executive Leadership from Denver Seminary. He has written three books, The Fuel and the Flame: Ten Keys to Ignite Your Campus for Jesus Christ, Brown Like Coffee: For Students Who Think Outside the Box, and ViewPoints: Fresh Perspectives on Personal Support Raising. Steve and his family reside in Fayetteville, AR, where he serves as the Executive Director of The Center for Mission Mobilization. (www.mobilization.org)