Sponsor-Exhibitor Helps
Thank you for your partnership in the 2023 Support Raising Leaders Conference! We value your investment which enables us to host the Support Raising Leaders Conference. We know that your presence and the products and services you provide will enhance the Great Commission ministries we serve.
To ensure your preparation, set up, and on-site days go well, please read carefully the following information and sign the compliance agreement at the bottom.
Conference Schedule
A more detailed schedule will be in the conference program you’ll receive upon arrival. The conference app will be released before the conference and will provide easy access to the schedule and other useful information.

The venue for the 2023 Support Raising Leaders Conference is the Cheyenne Mountain Resort.
Cheyenne Mountain Resort
3225 Broadmoor Valley Road | Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Be sure to reserve your hotel room. The Conference Group Rate ($159/night (+ tax)) ends at 5:00pm MT on Friday, March 10, 2023 or sooner if the group-rate block is sold out. You can book your room using the following reservation link: SRLC
You can also call toll free at 1-800-588-0250 to book. Be sure to mention you are attending the Support Raising Leaders Conference to get the group rate. There is a limited number of king bedrooms in the hotel. Please make a note when making your reservation if a king bed is preferred and the front desk will do their very best to accommodate all requests based on availability.
Check-in is at 4:00 PM. Check-out is at 12:00 PM.
Exhibit Hall Location and Set-up
Exhibits will be located throughout the hallways of the conference space. Your organization’s name will be displayed on a 8.5”x11” sign at your table. You may replace that sign with your own signage.
If you ship your items to Cheyenne Mountain Resort directly, it will be delivered to your table prior to set-up time (Please see the Shipping instructions below to ensure that it makes it to your table). Each exhibitor must unpack their own supplies. If you choose to hand carry your exhibit, you may unload at Cheyenne Mountain Resort’s main entrance lobby and take the elevator down one floor to the conference level.
Exhibitor Set-up Hours
- Tuesday | April 11 | 8:00am – 12:00pm
Your exhibitor table must be completely set-up by 12:00pm on Tuesday, April 11.
Exhibit Hall Hours
Exhibitors are expected to be at your table during the official open hours posted below. Refreshment breaks will be in the hallway outside the General Session Room where the largest concentration of attendees will be present. The exhibit tables are closed during meals and the General Sessions. Though attendees may browse during hours other than those posted, you are only obligated to be at your table during “Open” hours. The one exception is that you are not obligated to be at your table while filling an afternoon consultation spot.
- Tues, Apr 11 | 12:00pm – 5:30pm | 8:00pm – 9:30pm | Breaks at 2:30pm, 8:00pm
- Wed & Thurs, April 12 & 13 | 8:00am – 12:00pm | 1:00pm – 5:30pm | 8:15pm – 9:30pm | Breaks at 10:00am, 4:00pm, 8:15pm
Your display table is to remain fully intact until 8:45am on Friday, April 11, after the final Keynote Session has begun. Exhibitor tear down is from 8:45am to 10:00am.
Although there is general hotel security, neither the Cheyenne Mountain Resort nor Support Raising Solutions is responsible for items left at your table. When not at your table, it is recommended you cover your table with a cloth that you supply. If you have concerns, take valuables with you.
Cheyenne Mountain Resort will charge $10 per box up to 50 lbs. per box for handling and storage of all materials received. Pallets will be charged at $75 per pallet. Materials should not arrive more than 3 business days prior to the start of the conference or additional storage fees may apply. These costs will include delivery to meeting rooms/exhibit areas.
When shipping materials, please put the following on your packages to ensure that it will not get confused with other resort guests:
Exhibitor Name – Exhibitor Company Name
2022 Support Raising Leaders Conference Exhibitor
Cheyenne Mountain Resort
3225 Broadmoor Valley Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
If you do ship directly to Cheyenne Mountain Resort, please keep track of your packages with a shipping tracking number.
Representative Check-In
Be sure you register for the conference prior to arrival. Your registration includes admittance to all scheduled events and meals, between Tuesday 6:45pm through Friday 10:00am. Breakfast is on-your-own but there are a few options in the hotel where breakfast can be purchased.
Check-in is at the Registration tables in the hotel lobby where you will receive the appropriate name badge and conference packet.
Sponsor-Exhibitor Check-in Hours
- Tuesday | April 11 | 8:00am – 11:00am
Even if you have your own name badge, for security and identification purposes, all exhibitor reps must wear the conference name badge.
Any collateral items for General Sessions or Workshops are to be delivered upon check-in.
Conference Bookstore
The 2023 Support Raising Leaders Conference will include a conference bookstore located across the hall from the Information Desks which will be provided by The Center for Mission Mobilization. If you have book resources that you would like to offer for sale at the conference, instructions to do so are in the SRLC 2023 Bookstore Guidelines. Non-book resources may be sold at your table. Exhibitors may not distribute literature or other promotional materials outside of your table unless included in your sponsorship package.
Electricity and/or Internet
There is Internet throughout the conference building, but if you want to ensure a strong Wi-Fi signal for your table, you may want to order Internet. Many of our exhibitor table spaces have an outlet nearby, however there are a few that will require an extension cord. If you wish to have electricity for your table and you choose a table that does not have an outlet nearby, you will need to order additional electricity through the conference A/V company, Spectrum, at your own expense. Whether you desire electricity and/or Internet, please use the Internet and Electrical Request form(s).
Conference App
The Support Raising Leaders Conference App, which will go live March 1, provides information about the conference programming, hotel map, session descriptions, speaker information, and attendees.
Support Raising Solutions’ policy is that the attendee list is not to be used for mass communication, but to help contact 1) someone you already know/with whom you have an account or 2) someone you want to connect with during the conference and who has agreed to receive your communication. Thank you for respecting this policy.
All exhibitors need to secure adequate insurance coverage for all equipment and personnel. Support Raising Solutions, Cheyenne Mountain Resort, or any subcontractors of either, are not liable for loss, damage, or injury. To protect all interested parties, please add Support Raising Solutions and Cheyenne Mountain Resort as additional insured parties to your liability coverage for conference dates. Be prepared to provide your certificate as evidence of coverage, if requested to do so.
Though the hotel has general security, please note that by exhibiting at the 2023 Support Raising Leaders Conference, April 11-14, 2023, the exhibitor agrees to release, defend, and hold harmless Support Raising Solutions and Cheyenne Mountain Resort and their agents and employees from and against any and all losses, costs, damages, liability, and expense, (including attorney fees) arising out of or resulting from an accident, bodily injury, property loss or damage, or other occurrences to any person or persons including the exhibitor, its agents, employees, and invitees arising out of or resulting from exhibitors’ use and occupancy of their exhibit area at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Protection of Hotel and Decorator Property
Exhibitors may not tape, paste, thumbtack, nail or otherwise affix signs or posters to the hotel walls or pillars. If any signs or posters are leaned on the walls or furniture, they must be properly padded so as not to cause damage. If any damage is caused to the hotel assets within, accidentally or otherwise, the exhibitor will be billed for the full cost of repairs. You may display signs or banners behind or on your table.
- Jan 11, 2023 — Design Approval
All items approved (conference bag insert, chair drops for both general session workshops, artwork concept for workshop table tents, etc..) by sending in an item/design description (we’re expecting about 400 attendees)- Collateral for General Session/Workshop Chairs Examples: booklet, pamphlet, flier, postcard ad, coupon card, etc…
- Sponsor is responsible (including costs) for producing, and delivering chair collateral for general sessions and workshops to the Information Desk upon Conference check-in. SRS will distribute collateral appropriately. Sponsor is responsible for collecting any leftover collateral from the Information Desk by Friday April 14 at 8:30am. Any remaining collateral will be discarded.
- Value-Added Gift (Swag) for Conference Bag Insert Examples: journal and pen, sticky pads, sunglasses, keychains, laptop camera cover, computer accessories, drinkware, wearable swag, stationary, etc…
- Sponsor is responsible (including costs) for producing and shipping Swag to SRS Headquarters during the time frame mentioned below. SRS is responsible for bringing and placing Swag in the conference bags. After registration is complete, Sponsor is responsible for collecting any leftover Swag. Any Swag not retrieved from the Information Desk by Friday April 14 at 8:30am will be discarded.
- Collateral for General Session/Workshop Chairs Examples: booklet, pamphlet, flier, postcard ad, coupon card, etc…
- Feb 11, 2023 — Artwork Submitted
- Main session video
- Upload your video to Vimeo and send link for SRS to download
- OR email confirm with SRS alternative file transfer
- Powerpoint slide
- High resolution image for dessert or snack sign
- Final artwork for workshop table tents
- Social Media Endorsement Information
- 2-3 bullet points of phrases/wording to emphasize your offerings
- link to website
- preference for endorsement to be released in the month before or after SRLC
- SRS will be responsible for designing social media post to ensure cohesiveness with our platforms.
- Podcast Commercial
- 30 second script or 30 second audio file of your commercial
- preference for commercial to be released in the month before or after SRLC
- Main session video
- Feb 11-March 11, 2023 — Approved Swag Items arrive at SRS offices
- Ship to:
Center for Mission Mobilization
Attn: SRS – SRLC 2023 Swag Bag
2070 N Garland Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72704
- March 10, 2023 — Book Hotel Room
- Hotel group rate closes (or sooner if the group-rate block is sold out before then) on March 10 at 5pm CMT
- March 24, 2023 — Last day to Register for Conference
- Promo codes are found in the Exhibitor Packet
- April 11, 2023 — Exhibitor Check-in at Cheyenne Mountain Resort
- Check-in from 8:00am-12:00pm at the Registration Desk to receive conference bag and deliver any collateral affiliated with your sponsorship.
- Ensure your table space is completely setup by 12pm at the latest
- April 14th, 2023 — Exhibitor Check-out
- Collect any leftover collateral or value-added gifts for the conference bag by 8:30am
- Begin packing up your table space at 8:45am at the earliest
- Embedded Image Specs
- File format: .png, jpg or .tiff
- CMYK or Grayscale format (No RGB images)
- 100% final placement size (300 dpi)
- Organization Logo
- File format: vector file (.eps or .ai)
- Conference Slide
- File format: .jpg
- Size: 1920px × 1080px
- Conference Video
- File format: .mp4
- Size: 1920px × 1080px
- Dessert/Snack Sponsor Image for Poster
- Poster Size: w: 8′ 6″ × h: 4′ split into two panels (15,300px × 7,200px)
- Will be split into two panels w: 4′ 3″ × h: 4′ (7,650px × 7,200px)
- File format: .PDF
- CMYK or Grayscale (No RGB images)
- 1/4 inch bleed
- 100% final placement size 150 dpi
- Poster Size: w: 8′ 6″ × h: 4′ split into two panels (15,300px × 7,200px)
- Workshop Table Tents
- File Format: .png or .jpg
- Artwork Size: w: 7″ × h: 4″ (2100px × 1200px)
- CMYK or Grayscale (No RGB images)
- 1/4 inch bleed
- 100% final placement size (300 dpi)
- Podcast Commercial
- File Format for Audio: .wav preferred; .mp3 or .aac also accepted
Submitting Artwork
Submit all files/download links to memberships@supportraisingsolutions.org
Ad file output must be proofed and reviewed prior to submission and be in accordance with industry printing standards. All ad files are output at 100% of format received. Include advertiser’s name and issue date in the digital ad file name/description.
Advertiser assumes all liability with respect to the integrity and compatibility of supplied digital files and proofs. Publisher will not be held responsible for ad reproduction if advertiser-supplied materials do not meet Support Raising Solutions’ ad specifications.