November 2021 Webinar
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SRS Webinar
Nov 30, 2021
1:00 pm CT
Debbie Jobe: Who Can Resist Training?

How do you teach an old dog new tricks? It’s tough if the dog isn’t motivated to learn something new. Same holds true for veteran staff members who perhaps could use additional or new training to help them out of a rut. Finding new ways to encourage a veteran staff can be a difficult challenge as a leader. Join Debbie Jobe with Fellowship of Christian Athletes as she shares ideas on what might motivate veteran staff to want to attend training. Over the years she has learned from the challenge of trying to motivate staff to do something differently than they have always done it and has had great success!

Debbie Jobe,
Talent Advancement and Training Team,
Debbie Jobe has been on staff with FCA over 4 decades. She started with FCA right out of college with very little training in anything. By God’s grace, she is still on the team serving staff in the area of Talent Advancement and Training. Through the years of being in the field, Debbie was a part of watching FCA move from a completely event funded ministry to one that is seeing the fruit of staff learning to raise support. Debbie has seen FCA staff thrive in this space – not just survive!

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