We all have stories worth telling. Be it our testimony for Jesus, the gospel story, or the awesome time we had with our friends last weekend, our stories help people walk in the shoes of others. It’s fairly easy for us all to share about a fun time we had, or a current struggle we’re experiencing in daily conversations, but writing them well is a different story! To help guide your writing and to help you create compelling stories, there are three words to remember: Inspire, Educate, and Navigate. Let’s take a look at how these three work together to […]
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An opportunity to meet new people for partnership development! This incredible time we are currently living in has given those of us who are fully funded (or mostly so) a special opportunity. This article is intended for this particular audience in this particular time, because I want to unpack an idea about gaining new contacts. This idea in no way supersedes normal and primary ways to connect with ministry partners, it is just utilizing this moment in history. Currently, there is grim news. At the time of drafting this article the daily Covid19 statistics seem to worsen daily. Watching the […]
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In the support raising world, a referral is much more than just contact information. There is depth to it, as someone trusts you and your ministry vision enough to purposely encourage contact between you and their friends, associates, etc. They also understand that you have a goal of inviting that person to join your prayer and financial support team. If you think about it, that is a lot of trust! When seeking referrals, I’ve experienced several different types of reactions: Some wouldn’t help at all – I’ve heard a few variations of “I’m never comfortable sharing other people’s information, not […]
Keep Reading →We ask participants in our Bootcamps to bring the names and contact info of at least 200-600 friends or acquaintances they’ve made during their lifetime. Without exception, there are always a few trainees who just can’t seem to come up with more than 87 names or so. If I was just a tad meaner, I would mock them, saying: “You’re 40 years old and want to go into full-time Christian work? So, you love the ministry…it’s just people that you hate!” Of course, I would never say that, but there is a sad bit of truth in my sarcasm. Friend, […]
Keep Reading →Josh and Katie were feeling lonely and isolated. They had applied and been accepted to a well known youth ministry, given a book to read about support raising, and told to report to their assignment when they got to full budget. Now, four months later, and stuck at only 18%, they sat in a room and silently stared at each other. Katie finally spoke up, “Why are we trying to do this all by ourselves? Why don’t we get some of our friends involved? I bet a number of them would want to do more than just give.” Immediately, they […]
Keep Reading →Olga was a 24 year old Campus Crusade staff girl I met during the year our family spent in Ukraine reaching out to college students. She was later assigned to come to America and raise $2700 in new monthly support that would cover her needs and two other national staff. She knew no one here and had only a 21 day visa. So, a Crusade staffer here made a deal with Olga. He would give her 40 “referrals” to start her support raising activities with if she would give him 40 new ones on her way out of the country. […]
Keep Reading →Stevie Hargett. What a guy. We had an unbeatable tandem in 4th grade YMCA football—one would block, while the other would carry the ball. I have such fond memories of Stevie and all the touchdowns we teamed up on. The only problem is—I haven’t talked to him in over 40 years! Now, what if I were launching out on a personal fundraising tour and some crazy support raising trainer told me to write down EVERY PERSON I HAVE EVER KNOWN IN MY LIFE on my namestorming list? And then he challenges me to go back and try to re-connect with […]
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