Why We Need to Give Deeply Personal Invitations

“I thank my God every time I remember you.  In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”Philippians 1:3-6 Imagine Paul getting to Europe the first time around. His expedition was altered by the Holy Spirit, taking him from Asia Minor and into Greece, not as he had planned.  Upon arriving in Philippi, Paul had no starting point […]

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How might God call me to be part of someone else’s MPD journey?

A number of years ago, Izzy* chose to follow God’s calling to our team. She was a missionary force to be reckoned with. As a student, she regularly would see students from her shared Latino heritage come to know Jesus. However, she came from a low-income family and background, was first generation college, and had very few MPD resources. She spent the whole summer sitting at our dining room table, making call after call, faithfully trusting the Lord to provide for her support. Although advocacy was a relatively new concept, my husband and I  wanted to come alongside her in […]

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Are You a Cheerful Receiver?

You probably know the verse, “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).  You probably also know that any of us become cheerful givers to the cause of Christ when we really understand what Jesus did for us on the cross.  When I really experience the grace of Jesus, I give gladly out of my heartfelt gratitude for what Jesus has done for me. As support raisers, you get all of that!  Your question is “how do I get people to give cheerfully to the ministry I lead?”  To answer that question, let me ask you a question: What percentage […]

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How to Be Spiritually Healthy, Vision-Driven and Fully Funded

“Spiritually Healthy, Vision-Driven, and Fully funded” – You have heard these words numerous times, but what do they mean?  What do they look like as qualities of a God-Asker? My husband and I moved from Monterrey, Mexico, to our Jos, Nigeria site. By the time we arrived in Nigeria, we had depleted our staff account to move our family, establish housing, etc.  We had two very different perspectives: mine believed God could supply our needs, and in faith, we trust Him to that end as I know He called us to serve there.  My husband was full of doubt as […]

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A Roadmap to Navigate the Pitfall of Getting Overwhelmed

We have all been there, haven’t we? We start our support-raising journey full of faith, motivation, momentum, and eager anticipation. And then a couple of prospective partners say “No” and others don’t respond to our calls. Even worse, our closest friends and family express doubt about the Lord’s call to mission in our lives. Suddenly, we find ourselves discouraged and unmotivated, with our faith wavering. We feel stuck, fearful, and overwhelmed. During all this, even the most experienced missionary can lose confidence and may begin to lose hope and feel tempted to despair. But this is normal! Every missionary, in […]

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Passionate Persistence

The relational world we live in is governed by social norms and etiquette that shape our decisions more than I think we care to admit. Is it too late to call? Did I just cut them off? Were they waiting for that parking spot? Will they be mad if I take the last tortilla chip? We care about, for good reason, what other people think and we want to carry ourselves in a manner that reflects well on us, our family and even our Heavenly Father. (Philippians 1:27) Every once in a while, our lives include circumstances, crises, or problems […]

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Transformational Heart Change Through MPD

Raising up a team of partners is a journey and process, not just a process of connecting with people and sharing about your ministry, but a process of personal growth. MPD (ministry partner development) has a transformational effect on those in ministry. You are put in this place of depending on God for provision and then seeing him provide in ways you weren’t expected and weren’t looking for. Again and again God reshapes what you think should or will happen to what His plan is. In the end, we aren’t raising up a team of people that we like, we […]

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In Defense of Second-Class Missionaries

Imagine what it would look like if western churches hired their staff with the same priorities that they choose overseas missionaries to financially support. First of all, a Children’s Pastor would definitely be out.  Not strategic enough; he’s only supporting the children of believers.  Youth Pastor?  Also out, unless he targets neighborhood kids. How about a Music Pastor?  Or Pastoral Counselor?  Nope.  Those are just support roles.  Not enough front-line ministry. Administrative Pastor?  Receptionist?  Good heavens.  We could never dream of paying someone for those kind of inconsequential jobs. How about a Preaching Pastor?  Well…..that’s if-y, but he probably doesn’t make the cut either.  After […]

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Ethnic Minority Support Raising is an Untapped Goldmine for Your MPD!

Support Raising for ethnic minorities usually conjures up words like shame and honor. But no longer are these terms relegated to ethnic minorities. Honor and shame categories are more relevant than ever and apply to all missionaries regardless of ethnic or cultural background. Consider the shame dynamics brought on by the onslaught of social media, articles like Christianity Today’s “The Return of Shame” and the popularity of best-selling author and shame researcher Brené Brown. Smartphones and Facebook have put honor-shame dynamics into everyone’s pocket, especially Gen Z, the first digitally native generation and the incoming missionary force. This current pandemic […]

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Why Should I Raise Financial Support For Church Planting?

Dr. Steve Shadrach is a guest on Danny Parmelee’s show “101 Questions Church Planters Ask” to look at the WHY behind raising financial support. This video looks at some of the biblical reasons and examples of raising financial support along with some of the pragmatic benefits of raising personal funds for church planting.

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1(800) 595-4881