Raising up a team of partners is a journey and process, not just a process of connecting with people and sharing about your ministry, but a process of personal growth.
MPD (ministry partner development) has a transformational effect on those in ministry. You are put in this place of depending on God for provision and then seeing him provide in ways you weren’t expected and weren’t looking for. Again and again God reshapes what you think should or will happen to what His plan is. In the end, we aren’t raising up a team of people that we like, we are raising up a team of who God called.
Erin is an MPD coach with Cru and this is her testimony of God growing her through the MPD process:
“God custom-designs every person’s MPD experience to shape us for His purposes. I firmly believe that He would not have let me complete my initial MPD until I surrendered my refusal to contact certain people.
“My parents gave me a list of their friends to contact, and as they walked me through the names, my heart betrayed me. In response to one of their suggestions, I was shocked to hear these sarcastic words fly out of my mouth, ‘Yeah! They’re exactly who I want to contact!’
“I didn’t know the couple well, but the husband had been my orthopedic surgeon when I was a teenager. At the time, our personalities clashed. With no wrongdoing on his part, I had developed a deep bitterness in my heart towards him. I didn’t even know the extent of my unwarranted feelings until that moment.
“After confessing my horrible attitude to the Lord, and after a bit more foot-dragging, I finally set up an appointment.
“At the door the husband warmly invited me inside. We had a very pleasant chat and were soon joined by his wife. I then transitioned to discuss my ministry. I knew the Holy Spirit was moving because the conversation went better than any other time. I felt confident, clear-minded and joyful, and I knew this was also an encouragement to them.
“By the time I left their home, my stony heart had melted. I was saddened that I had not wanted to meet with them, yet overjoyed that God brought us together. I prayed on my way home, ‘Jesus, even if they don’t give a cent, this would have been enough. Thank you!’ They did join my team and have been faithful partners for several years, but my favorite part is still how God used them to change me!”
Yes, the Lord uses MPD to change us in so many ways…to be the people He wants us to be. Thank you, Erin, for reminding us of that!