Imagine being charged with leading a group of people who are spread far and wide geographically, each is focused on diverse aspects of work and ministry, and yet all must be unified to accomplish a common effort. Does that sound appealing, or simply impossible? In many ways, this is the very scenario in which every missionary who develops a team of ministry partners finds himself or herself. In his book, The God Ask, Steve Shadrach references Nehemiah in modeling for us the fact that he first turned to God – made the “God Ask” – before he turned to King […]
Keep Reading →Do you remember when you heard God’s call to serve Him full-time? You said, “I will follow and trust You to provide for me as I raise my support.” You gave God your irrevocable commitment to obey Him without any preconditions. Do you realize you are in the minority? Many flirted with serving the Lord, but their “yes” became a quivering “but” when they learned they had to raise their support. Among you is another group. You are in your legacy years, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, and you have been raising support for decades. I want to applaud you […]
Keep Reading →When people find out I have been up to budget for 30 years, they ask, “Do you still do fundraising even though you are up to budget?” The question is similar to, “Why fix the roof if it is not raining?” Yes, I still invite support even though I am fully funded—four reasons: My budget goes up every year. Our Board of Directors insists we have adequate living expenses. I identify special projects each year to advance my ministry even more. I don’t aim for a “low budget” just so I won’t have to raise new support. If I need […]
Keep Reading →A. Spiritually Healthy (Big God) Looks to God as owner and supplier of all things Believes they are called of God, worthy of support Understands biblical basis for raising support Thrives in their relationship with Jesus Balances support raising with life and ministry B. Vision Driven (Big Dreams) Honors God by the magnitude of their requests Pursues their greatest passion Views role as strategic, touching world for Christ Uses money as a tool to advance the Kingdom Embraces a wartime lifestyle C. Fully Funded (Big Investments) Appreciates supporters as true ministry partners Grasps the power of “the ask” Commits to […]
Keep Reading →One of our great passions is this: We want to flood the nations with spiritually healthy, vision driven, fully funded Great Commission workers. This type of worker is what we like to call a “God Asker”. My new book (entitled The God Ask) gives much more detail, but let’s try to break it down, and give some specifics to this first description—being “spiritually healthy.” 1. Looks to God as owner and supplier of all things To be a spiritually healthy “God Asker” you must have the spirit of Nehemiah. Certainly he was tempted to lean on wealthy King Artaxerxes to […]
Keep Reading →A powerful scriptural principle linked to missionaries being “sent” is that of commendation: “Let other people praise you–even strangers; never do it yourself” (Prov. 27:2, Good News). “For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends” (2 Cor. 10:18). “Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses” (2 Cor. 13:1). It can be a dilemma for us to describe our missionary service to others, often putting us in the uncomfortable position of “commending” ourselves. We may feel as though we must sell ourselves and our […]
Keep Reading →“…out of our intense longing we made every effort to see you.” (1 Thess. 2:17) I’m about to embark on a road trip across the northwestern U.S., during which, I’ll visit ministry partners I have not seen in many years due to my need to help my elderly mom. She recently passed on into Jesus’ arms and we’ll bury her ashes in the family plot in Idaho. I’ll then hit the road to re-connect with many people, including wonderful ministry partners/friends. Along with mourning the loss of my mom on earth, as well as celebrating her passing into glory, I […]
Keep Reading →Growing up as the son of a businessman in Dallas, Texas, had its advantages and disadvantages. Because Dad had lived through the depression years, he instilled his “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” perspective into his three sons—of which I was the middle. Work hard, provide for your family, get to the top, and retire early were the values he spoke of and modeled to us. My two brothers majored in business with the goal of becoming millionaires by age 30. I was expected to follow suit into the work world to obtain the “American Dream” and the accompanying financial […]
Keep Reading →Ministry is all about relationships. Right? If so, I’m hoping you have been, are, and will be building loads of great relationships—with all kinds of people. Reach out to those in the various schools, neighborhoods, churches, and communities you’ve been a part of. Like Paul’s commitment to “become all things to all men,” learn how to build a relational bridge to people of different faiths, races, personalities, and socio-economic levels. One reason to do this is because you never know who is going to end up earning/possessing significant resources that could be invested in the Kingdom. In other words, live […]
Keep Reading →During my early years with Youth With A Mission (YWAM), I joined a team in Mexico City passing out Bibles door-to-door. I was also asked to teach support raising to a group of missionary trainees from Guatemala – a country with very limited financial resources. Yet I believed that if God’s principles were true, then they were true worldwide, in all societies, among all peoples, in all economic situations. But those convictions were about to be tested! So I asked God, “What is the key to support raising that applies to all people?” A word came immediately to my mind: […]
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