A note from the CMM Executive Director (of which SRS is a ministry of), DJ Rofkahr
— Jump to Steve Shadrach’s invitation.
As COVID19 began to spread and impact multiple ministries, there were a variety of responses and emotions. For many, there was a grieving at the loss of opportunity to impact lives personally as spring activities were just getting into full swing. For others, there was also a fear of being individually touched by the virus as we as a country went into lockdown and social distancing. Some went immediately into crisis mode and began to make plans for digital delivery of their ministry services. Two principles come immediately to mind for me. One is the faith-filled statement of Joseph in Genesis 50:20 that God directs evil for the good of His people [in the case of Egypt, even the nation was blessed] and His glory. Principle two is in Isaiah 55:8-9 stating, “‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.’” What if God is using these COVID days to break us out of old molds and methods – where new wineskins are being created for new wine. I think He is. There is no question that the new digital connections we are making with one another will have some type of lasting effect. Let’s trust and pray that it will be used creatively and mightily for the sake of the gospel to evangelize the lost and edify believers to be mature disciples who fulfill the Great Commandment and Great Commission.
One example that I am a part of is happening digitally this summer as one big global summer project; it is exciting to see how many organizations have joined to partner with us.
Read Steve Shadrach’s invitation and see if you, too, want to join us:
If you are a mission agency, college ministry, or church, you may want to learn more about the Global Project, a virtual, multi-ministry summer training project hosted by Campus Ministry Today, June 2 – July 23!
Hello friends of SRS, this is Steve Shadrach, founder of Support Raising Solutions and author of The God Ask. These are not normal times as we all race to innovate our strategies to continue our mission in the face of quarantines and a pandemic. SRS’s sister ministry, Campus Ministry Today is hosting a virtual summer training project that your ministry may be interested in utilizing. Much of the conversation of this was started when we had the support raising leaders of Cru, InterVarsity, Every Nation, and The Navigators on a call discussing MPD during the COVID-19 pandemic. All of us discussed how our summer projects and trips were being cancelled. Later that week, I led a similar call with senior campus ministry leaders discussing how to pivot to virtual ministry for the remainder of the spring semester and considering what to do about the summer.
The idea of Global Project 2020 was born, and within a week, we’ve had 100 college ministries and even a few mission agencies desire to use this project for their own students. Global Project is a multi-ministry, global online summer training project equipping students in Evangelism, Disciple making, and Mission Mobilization. You can lead your own project this summer, with your students and leaders, through our online platform! Check out our core content, how you can customize it for your own students and discipleship group leaders, and let us know if you’re interested. The project will be June 2 – July 23, 2020.
While this summer training project fits naturally with college ministries, a large mission organization who partners with SRS thought this would be a great opportunity to invest spiritually into all their summer mission trip participants whose plans have been cancelled. They will utilize the core of the Global Project for the Global Gathering, Discipleship Groups, and Outreach, but they will also have a special night of training and discussion groups focused on missions and utilizing the relationships that will form for these summer trips.
If you didn’t know, I have 3 big passions in my life other than my amazing wife and family, and of course, Jesus! These passions are college ministry, mission mobilization, and support raising. I see these three passions overlapping substantially, but that’s another story. These are the 3 big areas that the ministry I started, Center for Mission Mobilization, serves in the body of Christ. The Center for Mission Mobilization (CMM) is the parent ministry, which I now serve as Global Ambassador. CMM has teams around the world serving and equipping national mobilization, missions, and collegiate ministries for the purposes of multiplying mission movements to the unreached. Our three resource and training divisions are Support Raising Solutions, Campus Ministry Today, and Weave, which is focused on mobilizing families.
If you’ve already pivoted and created your own virtual programs for this summer, that’s great! But if you are still forming your plans or have decided to cancel everything, please check out what we’re doing at the Global Project.
Steve Shadrach