There is no greater tuning point than aligning our vision, efforts, and hearts to Jesus’. This year’s Support Raising Leaders Conference we explored what it means to resonate with Christ. SRLC aimed that out of our worship of Jesus we would RESONATE with HIS heart for:
- the nations
- unity in our ministries
- personal transformation.
441 leaders from 116 organizations representing over 100,000 great commission workers worshiped, prayed, and learned together how we can collectively send more laborers and keep more laborers on the field.
The delay that the conference experienced due to COVID served to heighten everyone’s excitement to be together for the event. The main sessions, workshops, panels, and CoLabs teemed with the excitement of learning and being together. We kicked off our new track on Organizational Development helping ministries integrate the best Biblical practices in this area.
We were blessed by a diverse group of speakers each showing us a perspective of the Lord through their unique personalities and experiences. Who can forget:
- Dave Patty helped us to see the Father’s Heart and Son’s call
- Dave Rofkar invited us to seize the day
- Jason Gardner led us to pray for Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth.
- DeNail Sparks helped us to see how we need to fight for unity in our organizations
- Beth Guckenberger taught us how to punch first to keep spiritual warfare from impacting our organizations externally
- Jenn Fortner helped us to see how the Lord’s work in us is crucial to HIS work through us.
For a few days, we journeyed together through celebration, laughter, prayer, and communion. We left filled with a connection to the Lord and HIS people aimed at completing the Great Commission. We increased in skill and in purpose. Christ was woven into the fabric of the conference and could be seen in HIS people there as we RESONATED with our glorious Savior.
SRS has already begun planning the next Support Raising Leaders Conference for April of 2023 to continue empowering leaders to equip their staff to be spiritually healthy, vision-driven, and fully funded.