Survival Guide to Raising Support During the Coronavirus – Part 4
(This is part 4 in our series as we look at heart postures and strategies for connecting with ministry partners during the coronavirus pandemic.)
You should always be communicating with your ministry partners. Especially when ministry might be in flux as travel becomes restricted and events are cancelled, your partners might be wondering what you are doing? Be vision focused in what you communicate, that means communicating what you ARE doing and not just listing what you are not doing. As you keep your supporters updated on your ministry, they want to know that you are safe and how best to pray for you. Let them know, but also keep your ministry the main focus of your communication.
What are some specifics to include in a timely communication this month:
Keep this short and to the point. Be aware that everyone has plenty of information about the coronavirus at their fingertips. Your supporters just need to know how best to pray for you, your team, and the location where you serve. You could lead your newsletter with a quick update on your health and the health of your team and/or save the coronavirus update for the prayer section of your email.
Lead story:
Share what’s happening in the lives of those with whom you are ministering. Whether it’s one person or 50, helping supporters see where you are in your relationship with those you are doing life/ministry with is key. You want 80% of your communication to be about ministry and the remaining 20% about family and updates.
Prayer request:
Share your praise to God for the people with whom you are mobilizing and let your prayer request be known to God and your supporters. Prayer is an often untapped resource—USE IT!
Thank you:
Whether it’s peppered through your communication, or a special note at the bottom, always remember to communicate appreciation. This isn’t you doing ministry, it is your partners doing ministry with you. The number one “sin” in partnership development is unexpressed gratitude—don’t fall into that trap.
Survival Guide to Raising Support During the Coronavirus – Part 1
Should I Even Be Raising Support Right Now? – Part 2
How Do I Raise Support Right Now? – Part 3
Communication – Part 4
How Do You Meet Face-to-Face? – Part 5