When first appointed as a missionary it can feel like everyone has an opinion about the best beliefs and practices for raising your support. There’s a plethora of opinions on methodology and some people can be quite dogmatic about which one you use. Often, their advice comes from their personal experience and observation. For the rookie fundraiser it can feel overwhelming and confusing. What really matters? What truly makes a difference?
Many of us have heard the anecdotal statements: “It’s so much easier to raise if you’re going to the 10-40 window”, “people only want to give to social justice causes these days”, “it’s impossible for me to raise support because I work at the HQ”, “people just aren’t interested in missions these days”.
To quote some 90’s fiction and a DC Talk song, “the truth is out there.” SRS wants to know what actually are the most significant factors in great commission workers effectively raising their support. We want to survey as many great commission workers as possible so that we can capture as much data as we can to discover what could be the most significant and influential factors in support raising. We want to stop guessing and make more informed decisions. For that, we need YOU.
So, in partnership with the University of Arkansas, we launched a Personal Support Raising Industry Survey designed to capture and sort the crucial elements of support raising in order to analyze and draw conclusions. We invite you to participate so that we can gather as much data as possible to better help us see trends and patterns.