The emphasis on year-end giving by non-profits in the U.S. continues to grow every year. Our mailboxes, whether physical or email, seem to be a bit more crowded with requests during the holiday season. Is year-end giving simply hype? Does it take advantage of, or manipulate people? Or, is it truly helpful? We are bombarded by appeals for money (at least I am!). Should we also make appeals? There is certainly a natural and good incentive for U.S. donors to give by midnight December 31st each year. Tax incentives are helpful. Deadlines are helpful. How do we handle that well, without […]
Keep Reading →“We don’t need insurance, because we trust God, and He is our provider.” “Prayer is our form of health insurance! ” “Healthcare? Nah, it’s gonna be OK, because we are ministry workers, God will take care of us! ” If you’ve ever thought, or even said, words like this, I am concerned for you. I hope it’s not too late for me to convince you to avoid a quite painful end that follows failing to prioritize the necessary steps to care for your own healthcare needs. It is true that we need faith in Him and his plan for our […]
Keep Reading →You may just be starting your full-time support raising ministry journey, stalled out, or have years of experience living under God’s provision through a support team. No matter where you’re at, there are four crucial questions to ask yourself on the way to being fully funded for your ministry work. How you answer these questions could determine the longevity and fruitfulness of your support development, and dare I say, the legacy of your ministry too. It is not okay to drag along underfunded. It hinders your work, hurts your family, and can defame the Lord. In the midst of my […]
Keep Reading →Aaron Babyar, President of Exago, was interviewed by the brilliant minds over at It’s easy to let our status as a support raiser affect our self-identity, but Aaron encourages us to find our identity in Christ, rather than solely identifying ourselves by the work we do. Also in this podcast, Aaron refutes some misconceptions about raising support and shows how important it actually is to the Kingdom of God. The weekly podcast from Engaging Missions focuses on sharing stories of those engaging the world with the mission of God. You can listen to Aaron’s interview in full by clicking the […]
Keep Reading →For almost a full year we’ve worked on painting and remodeling our house to get it ready to sell. Then my wife creatively “staged” the house so people could visualize living here. It worked! The house sold to the very first person who looked at it. The next few weeks will be a blur as we find a new place to live, pack, and a myriad of other tasks. Moving produces significant stress and can take our eyes off of the Lord. Being in ministry has a way of producing anxiety and stress in our lives too, doesn’t it? Especially […]
Keep Reading →“The greatest enemy [to sending] other than Satan himself is educational debt.” – Dr. Albert Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Seminary If Fox Business News is correct, 7 in 10 college graduates have significant student loan debt. They claim the average new graduate in 2016 will walk the stage $35,000 in the hole. That is truly staggering. One implication for us—7 out of 10 recent grads considering full-time ministry are probably also carrying that crippling weight. But this is a relatively new problem: Student debt has tripled over the past eight years as college tuition costs 17 times more than it did 40 years ago. Increasingly, […]
Keep Reading →In the summer of 1982, my mother and I boarded the biggest plane I’ve ever seen: a 747 jumbo jet, bound for a place known as “Beautiful Country”, the literal translation of the word “America” in Mandarin Chinese. As a 12-year-old boy, I had no idea what God had in store for my life. Fourteen years later, and after much spiritual growth, I joined The Navigators ministry to reach college students for Christ. I still remember my staff orientation and how daunting it sounded to go out and raise my entire support. For the next 10 years, I struggled immensely with […]
Keep Reading →First, securing personal time with each person or couple you want to invite onto your support team is critical. After securing the time and place, the priority becomes preparing for that appointment. Here are six pillars that will serve as the basis for making the most effective presentation possible. Read, enjoy, apply! Prayer Corrie Ten Boom once said, “Don’t pray when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the Lord and keep it. A man is powerful on his knees.” Prayer is a powerful weapon that we must use when entering support raising. Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we are not […]
Keep Reading →Jesus talked about money more than any other topic. Not only are two thirds of the parables dealing with money, but our Crown Financial Ministry friends tell us that money is discussed 2,350 times in the Bible—more than heaven and hell combined! My pastor believes that how we view and handle money is the main barometer of our spiritual lives. Could that be true? Two of the greatest human resources the Lord lends to us during our short stay on this planet are our time and money. If someone were to look at your schedule and checkbook, what would they […]
Keep Reading →What you may go through to finally sit down with a person for a support appointment can feel like a sea battle of volleying shots sometimes—making calls, leaving messages, missing returned calls, texting, rescheduling, etc. You can expend so much time and emotion on just getting the appointment that you are totally worn out by the time you actually meet! And if you are anything like me, you begin to rationalize, “there has to be a better way!” Unfortunately, this line of thinking can lead to taking shortcuts that won’t help you get to full support, and might even torpedo […]
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