Coaching New Staff For The First 100 Days

It’s a wonderful day when someone new joins your staff. Perhaps they are a recent college graduate. Maybe it’s someone more seasoned in life, who recently left a successful marketplace job because of God’s clear calling to share in your vital vision as their full-time vocation. At some point there is a crystallized moment where the IRS W-4 has been completed, all other proper paperwork is in order, and they are officially part of ministry staff. It’s really happening! Enthusiasm is high while you praise the Lord for these exciting times! However, as an executive and/or support raising coach in […]

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Finding Your Guiding Light: How Do I Identify Potential MPD Coaches and Trainers in My Organization?

World-class Ministry Partnership Development (MPD) training is not enough to move your staff to full funding. You need to develop a cadre of coaches to come alongside your staff members. How do you identify, recruit, and train potential coaches in your organization? Who are the ones who possess the gifting and ability to train and coach your staff in MPD? The following are core competencies, personal qualifications, and people skills and abilities coaches either need to possess or can grow in. We don’t expect our new coaches to be fully mature in their abilities when we choose them to become […]

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Five Questions to Increase the Support Raising Health of Your Ministry Staff

In Jim Collins’ classic book “Good to Great” he says one of the keys to being a truly great organization is if the leaders are able to ask the really tough questions about the condition of their company. If they are willing to confront the “brutal facts,” especially about their own leadership, then they are on the path to finding healthy solutions. Personally, it’s not hard for me to slip into a passive posture, close my eyes, and just hope everything turns out ok. I do that under the guise of “trusting God” but in reality I think I struggle […]

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Discovering Blindspots in Support Raising Leadership

Editor’s Note: We asked Scott Morton (International Funding Coach for The Navigators)  to explain the background to his new book Blindspots—Leading Your Team and Ministry to Full Funding. Watch the webinar and read the story about how the book came about below. I stumbled into Blindspots during a rainy morning in Southern California while teaching a fundraising school for mission workers. On Day Two I got up early and returned to the vacant seminar room to meet with the Lord. I felt uneasy about the previous day’s teaching. What was missing? It hit me: examples of leaders doing fundraising! Staring at the […]

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Our Top Two Strategies to Eliminate Support Raising Barriers for Our New Staff

In Matthew 9:37, Jesus said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” In my 13 years of ministry experience, no statement has been truer. About the time this verse first entered my scripture memory box, Steve Shadrach shared a statistic with me at an SRS Bootcamp that I will never forget. Up to 92% of missionaries leave the mission field, mainly or in part, due to lack of support. If both of these statements are true, then we have to begin to think of how we can take every opportunity available to train workers and […]

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Fundraising and Leadership: A Marriage Made in Heaven?

When gifted, capable men and women step into ministry leadership they get a surprise—fundraising! Maybe they saw the fundraising line item on the job description, but it is usually glossed over in favor of more interesting leadership topics. And, like a young couple who jumps into marriage without really getting to know each other, they might be in for a rude awakening once the honeymoon is over! Or take driving for example. Out on the road, we look out the front window, the back, and side-to-side, but every car has blindspots—areas we cannot see. Similarly, fundraising blindspots in leadership are invisible and they […]

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Support Raising Organizational Health: Culture + Structure + Training + Coaching

After training over 10,000+ ministry workers from over 1,200 organizations how to raise their support through our SRS Bootcamps, and seeing myriads of them get fully funded in months rather than years, our ministry has often become synonymous with this two-day training event. Yes, even though we’ve done hundreds of these Bootcamps in cities all over America for the last 16 years, I need to let you know—we’re no “one trick pony!” I admit, SRS has mainly focused on the support training piece over the years, and not adequately addressed vital aspects of the ongoing coaching required to insure new […]

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In a real-life physical battle, the front line is the area where forces are engaged in the most dangerous and brutal conflict. Every thought, action, reaction, and decision matter. What each soldier contributes to that battle is absolutely critical, because it can make the difference between life or death. All soldiers don’t work on the same task, because it would spread them too thin and leave the entire unit vulnerable. However, a mass of well-trained, well-coordinated soldiers, working in various but unified roles to accomplish an overall goal, is nothing short of extraordinary! If you are in ministry work, there […]

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Why Health Trumps Everything from Support Raising Solutions on Vimeo. Our leadership team worked through a great book by Patrick Lencioni recently. The premise is that a healthy team will always accomplish more than a gifted team. If the leaders know how to live a balanced life and then humbly align around a commonly agreed on mission, there is nothing they cannot accomplish! I believe the three bases support raisers must run to have a well-rounded mission are: 1) getting spiritually healthy, 2) becoming vision driven, and 3) reaching full support. And in that order! Most workers we train in […]

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Never Forget the Principle Behind the Method

Do your remember the bumper sticker, “My father was a Jewish carpenter?” I love that sticker because my dad really was a Jewish carpenter and could make just about anything. No matter what the problem was, he knew how to come up with a solution. We didn’t have much money, but that never stopped him from finding ways to make things. When I needed a bicycle, he “created” one out of old bike parts. The only time I ever saw him stumped was when Colleen and I bought our first home, a New England bungalow. We wanted to convert the attic into […]

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Support Raising Solutions
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Fayetteville, AR, 72702
1(800) 595-4881