Support Raising Relationships: The Six that Matter Most

By on December 1, 2006   /   Leave a comment

1. God
Jesus said in John 15:5 “Apart from me you can do nothing.” We come to Him to find our calling, motivation, and vision. Ask the Lord to fill you with His Spirit, courage, and words. Ask Him to go before you to soften the hearts of your hearers. We cannot do what only God can do, but He will not do what He has asked us to do. So ask and believe God for big things. You can honor Him by the magnitude of your requests.

2. Parents
Do you remember how your parents responded when you told them you were going into ministry and required to raise your entire support from scratch? As children, we are required to obey our parents, but then honor them for a lifetime. If we humbly approach our parents and listen to their questions, counsel, and concerns we will likely receive their blessing and encouragement.

If we can remember that building trust is a two-way street, we can find the strength to invest in relationships over the long haul.

3. Spouse
Both husband and wife should be in agreement when deciding to go into ministry and raising support. Praying together, getting counsel, and proceeding as a team are critical if a couple is going to be in harmony and successful in support raising—and ministry. You might be satisfied at living at 80% of your budget, but it might breed discontentment or resentment in the heart of your spouse toward you, the ministry, or even God. Getting to and staying at 100% support can take some stress out of a marriage and is a great way to say, “I love you.”

4. Children
When I speak at Christian colleges full of missionary kids, their attitudes toward support raising are usually either incredibly positive or…negative. Don’t underestimate how your words, actions, and attitudes toward money, support raising, and ministry will directly effect your children the rest of their lives. Do you view living on support as a blessing or a necessary evil? Are you thankful to God and your supporters or a complainer? Have you raised enough to really take care of your family…or not? If you have a healthy perspective, your children probably will too.

5. Pastor
Get counsel from your pastor as you consider full time ministry and support raising. He’s probably never been asked to join someone’s personal monthly support team. You be the first! See if he will guide you as to whom to approach in the church. Ask him to be an advocate for you to the congregation and missions committee. Keep him regularly informed of your personal and ministry progress and needs. Build a track record of credibility and faithfulness.

6. Friends
Don’t try to do it all yourself. This is friendraising, not just fundraising. By asking your friends to pray, invest, and network you with others you’ll develop long term loyalty and ownership in you and your ministry. You’re not just looking for supporters, but team mates. If, over the course of your life and ministry, you stick with them, most all of them will stick with you!


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Support Raising Solutions
PO BOX 3556
Fayetteville, AR, 72702
1(800) 595-4881