In 1 Corinthians 11:1 Paul says, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ (NIV).” It is interesting that Paul does not say, “Follow Christ’s example, as I follow the example of Christ.” I believe what Paul is trying to convey in this passage is the principle of mentorship in our walk with God. In whatever skill we are trying to develop, we all need a mentor or a coach to get better. Even the most highly accomplished, professional athletes still need a coach. How much more important is a good coach when it comes to raising support, […]
Keep Reading →At first, the words were faint, harmlessly percolating in my mind, but a question soon formed and draped over my shoulders like a yoke, “Did I prepare him for this?”. Foot on brake, not yet ready to drive away, I gazed with yearning through my car window at the back of my oldest boy while his huge frame eagerly pranced through the quad to the entrance of his college dormitory. My wife, LeNair, knew my thoughts and reassured me as I watched Ryan disappear around the corner. Questions still echoed in my head, “Did I prepare him for this?”, “Did I […]
Keep Reading →A note from the CMM Executive Director (of which SRS is a ministry of), DJ Rofkahr — Jump to Steve Shadrach’s invitation. As COVID19 began to spread and impact multiple ministries, there were a variety of responses and emotions. For many, there was a grieving at the loss of opportunity to impact lives personally as spring activities were just getting into full swing. For others, there was also a fear of being individually touched by the virus as we as a country went into lockdown and social distancing. Some went immediately into crisis mode and began to make plans for […]
Keep Reading →An opportunity to meet new people for partnership development! This incredible time we are currently living in has given those of us who are fully funded (or mostly so) a special opportunity. This article is intended for this particular audience in this particular time, because I want to unpack an idea about gaining new contacts. This idea in no way supersedes normal and primary ways to connect with ministry partners, it is just utilizing this moment in history. Currently, there is grim news. At the time of drafting this article the daily Covid19 statistics seem to worsen daily. Watching the […]
Keep Reading →What to do about what you can’t control for you and your team My wife homeschooled our children for a few years. She did a great job motivating our kids. She set an end of the year reward for the kids to go to an amusement park if they hit their weekly and semester goals. The kids hit their goals and the day trip was planned. One of my children had their heart set on riding one particular ride for months. The day came and the excitement grew as we stood in line to buy tickets. The gates opened and […]
Keep Reading →Everyone has an opinion and advice on what to do about the Coronavirus Pandemic. Even ISIS has weighed in, warning its followers to stay away from Europe so they don’t get infected. Here at The Agitator we’re focused on the effects the pandemic will have on fundraising in hopes we can offer some helpful insights, advice and additional resources. To that end last week we issued the first of what will be a series of Agitator Updates –information over and above our scheduled posts– and we’ll continue to send them to all readers via email. Over the weekend we touched base with lots of veteran […]
Keep Reading →What is a “sprint”? An MPD Sprint is a 30-45 day period in which full-time staff spend part-time (20 hours a week) in a support raising season supported by a coach and in community with fellow staff. These sprints create an environment of camaraderie, excitement, and activity focused goal setting. Why a sprint? It’s no secret that support raising is one of the most difficult aspects of being a missionary. If left unchecked, staff may creatively avoid their support raising until it slowly becomes a problem so big that it not only affects their ministries, but their entire lives. But […]
Keep Reading →Raising support in isolation nearly devoured our staff. In late 2014, I found myself hitting roadblock after roadblock coaching new, often very young hires in support raising. Running dogged with individual coaching sessions, I was seeing limited, and at times, frustratingly slow results. It often took our staff 6-12 months to raise support. Some would make it. Some wouldn’t. Many would reach campus like marathon runners who finished a 26.2-mile race they hadn’t trained for and didn’t want to run, only to start a second race a week later. Staff felt drained. Lonely. Spiritually dry. Painfully working through support raising […]
Keep Reading →Your MPD culture is healthy if… Your cultural values are consistently and clearly communicated. Imagine you’re a new missionary candidate captivated by the vision of a particular sending agency. When asked about raising support, the recruiter says, “God always provides for those He calls. Don’t worry about the money.” The HR team says, “We’ll train you and coach you in the process, but you should expect it to take 3-9 months of dedicated hard work to reach full funding.” The field leader says, “You can live on a lot less than what those guys are telling you. The important thing […]
Keep Reading →“Why would anyone want to support me?” In my early days of fundraising, that statement was a great summary of my attitude toward MPD. Have you tried to lead anyone to support raising success who was stuck in this mindset? Today I’d be more likely to say, “Why wouldn’t people support me?” So what changed in me, and how can you help bring about a shift in your support raisers’ perspectives? I Didn’t Know What I Was Doing or Why If I’m completely honest about my early days, I’d say I didn’t really know what I was doing or why. […]
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