Before the days of Mapquest and GPS, I remember poring over a map and predicting I could shave 40 miles and 60 minutes off our road trip. Projecting supreme confidence, I exited the interstate to “cut the corner,” anticipating speeding along a lonely country road, and getting to our destination in record time. But, after spending two long hours crawling through dinky little towns, getting stuck behind hay trailers, and wearing out a set of brakes on a myriad of hairpin turns, I finally had to admit to my now frustrated passengers that I was a total idiot—and we were […]
Keep Reading →Years ago, a friend of mine was working for a prominent businessman who invited my friend to join him in an appointment with Dr. Bill Bright, President of Campus Crusade. In that meeting, Dr. Bright asked this businessman for one million dollars to help fund worldwide evangelism projects. Even though my friend knew this businessman did not currently have the funds, he committed to Dr. Bright to give the requested amount. Later I learned there were almost 250 other individuals who had also committed at least one million, and Crusade dubbed this group of sacrificial investors: “History’s Handful.” How do […]
Keep Reading →Eric was at a crossroads in his life. He was a successful businessman with a growing family who had been persuaded to take a class about God’s heart for the nations called “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement”…and he was deeply touched. He wrestled for months with whether the Lord was calling him into missions before discussing it with his pastor and exploring opportunities with various agencies. Eric studied the mission websites and talked with reps from different ministries. He was drawn to apply to several organizations, except for one small detail in the fine print—almost all of them required […]
Keep Reading →Brad came to Christ in college and instantly started growing. It wasn’t long until he wanted to join a summer missions team to India. The only problem? He was required to raise $3500 and he didn’t have a home church, Christian family or friends. The only people he knew were his fraternity brothers. Sometimes fraternities do service projects to earn money to give to charitable causes. So Brad asked them if they would donate those funds to his mission trip. They agreed, as did two other houses he asked, and he was off to India. When Brad returned, he gave […]
Keep Reading →Soon afterwards, He began going around from one city and village to another, proclaiming and preaching the kingdom of God . The twelve were with Him, and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and sicknesses: Mary who was called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others who were contributing to their support out of their private means. (Luke 8: 1-3) This is unbelievable. It’s hard enough to imagine the Son of God, King of kings and Lord of lords, would lower […]
Keep Reading →Stevie Hargett. What a guy. We had an unbeatable tandem in 4th grade YMCA football—one would block, while the other would carry the ball. I have such fond memories of Stevie and all the touchdowns we teamed up on. The only problem is—I haven’t talked to him in over 40 years! Now, what if I were launching out on a personal fundraising tour and some crazy support raising trainer told me to write down EVERY PERSON I HAVE EVER KNOWN IN MY LIFE on my namestorming list? And then he challenges me to go back and try to re-connect with […]
Keep Reading →“Prayer is the real work of the ministry. Service is just gathering in the results of prayer.” -S.D. Gordon in Quiet Talks on Prayer. The times in my life when I’ve applied this principle, I have seen God do some incredible things. Then why don’t I employ this truth every day in every situation, you ask? I must have a short memory and proud heart! The amount of time I spend in prayer can indicate whether I am trusting in God—or myself. Sometimes I foolishly think my presence with someone is more powerful and life-changing than God’s presence. I can […]
Keep Reading →1. God Jesus said in John 15:5 “Apart from me you can do nothing.” We come to Him to find our calling, motivation, and vision. Ask the Lord to fill you with His Spirit, courage, and words. Ask Him to go before you to soften the hearts of your hearers. We cannot do what only God can do, but He will not do what He has asked us to do. So ask and believe God for big things. You can honor Him by the magnitude of your requests. 2. Parents Do you remember how your parents responded when you told […]
Keep Reading →Most people in ministry who raise their own support view others strictly as either just givers or pray-ers. Why not take a minute and look at your contact list and think through 3-4 individuals who might want to do more? I’m sure there a few, that,deep down, would love to partner with you, standing shoulder to shoulder with you as you take on this challenge of getting to full support. [Q: Why are there so few lay people who are filling this kind of critical role? A: We have never asked them!] King Solomon understood the power of two, and […]
Keep Reading →Scenario 1 : A man with a stable, high paying position has a spiritual renewal in his life and feels called to a full time ministry that will mean leaving his current job and raising support. As he excitedly shares the news with his wife, she sits and stews in stony silence before blurting out, “When I married you, this wasn’t part of the bargain!” Scenario 2 : A couple has been accepted by a mission agency, gone through the support training, and began having appointments with potential donors. After several frustrating rejections, the husband turns to his wife and […]
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