Core Messaging is just what it sounds like: the core, the foundation, of everything you want to and have to say. If you get these right, your communications become easier throughout the year, and you have a better chance of following the old “they need to hear it 7+ times to pay attention” rule. Without core messages, your funding plan falls flat because your donors will lack the clarity of message. And without that funding plan, your core messages would never see the light of day. It’s a hand-in-hand thing. Let’s build some strong messages out of all your hard […]
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A note from the CMM Executive Director (of which SRS is a ministry of), DJ Rofkahr — Jump to Steve Shadrach’s invitation. As COVID19 began to spread and impact multiple ministries, there were a variety of responses and emotions. For many, there was a grieving at the loss of opportunity to impact lives personally as spring activities were just getting into full swing. For others, there was also a fear of being individually touched by the virus as we as a country went into lockdown and social distancing. Some went immediately into crisis mode and began to make plans for […]
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“Relationships, Resources and Rhythms”. I’ve taught this so very often: 3 R’s that help categorize and quantify losses that accompany every significant transition. They are areas that must be noticed, grieved and rebuilt in seasons of change. Relationships—Christianity is a “team sport,” so a good measure of thriving has its roots in knowing who “your people” are. This is by design. Part of God’s image is “us-ness” (Trinity) and it has been imprinted onto our souls. Most of the “you” imperatives in scripture are plural. Transition disrupts and disconnects us from those who have been our people. Resources—The first year […]
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An opportunity to meet new people for partnership development! This incredible time we are currently living in has given those of us who are fully funded (or mostly so) a special opportunity. This article is intended for this particular audience in this particular time, because I want to unpack an idea about gaining new contacts. This idea in no way supersedes normal and primary ways to connect with ministry partners, it is just utilizing this moment in history. Currently, there is grim news. At the time of drafting this article the daily Covid19 statistics seem to worsen daily. Watching the […]
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A note from SRS: Maybe some of you can relate to getting knocked over by a large wave at some point in your life. There’s an element of helplessness there. Spiritual health is the difference between surfing and getting bowled over by a wave. Spiritual health is your first priority as a Great Commission worker. It is something you invest in regularly, preparing you for unforeseen events and daily dependence on Jesus. Trying to engage in MPD without this is like trying to surf without a surfboard. It’s our desire at SRS to keep you focused on your first priority […]
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I wrote Looming Transitions with known transitions in mind. But what the world has been experiencing recently is the exact opposite of a looming transition. Instead, it is akin to an abrupt transition and compounded by information changing on the daily, as well as layers of loss. Probably most on the planet have had this experience: This is not where you want to be. This is not where you thought you’d be. This was not your plan. I get it. I have made three major transitions during my adulthood and only one of them—moving to China—was a desired transition that I initiated. Even when a change is […]
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A Chinese Ministry Worker Takes on the New Frontier of Raising Support My name is MeiLin, and I would like to share with you the work that God has done in me, personally, and my ministry partners throughout my journey of raising and living on support. I am from China and work in full-time ministry. Four years ago, I was working as a Chinese teacher to foreign students when I met a family that was serving in China. After we had gotten to know each other more they invited me to join them in their work of mobilizing the Chinese […]
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What to do about what you can’t control for you and your team My wife homeschooled our children for a few years. She did a great job motivating our kids. She set an end of the year reward for the kids to go to an amusement park if they hit their weekly and semester goals. The kids hit their goals and the day trip was planned. One of my children had their heart set on riding one particular ride for months. The day came and the excitement grew as we stood in line to buy tickets. The gates opened and […]
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We want to pause a moment and just share a little Jesus together. Yes, we have tips and suggestions about partnership development amid the current coronavirus situation; however, all of our action must stem from our foundation in Christ. So, grab a mug of tea or a cup of coffee and let’s sit with the Lord of All for a little bit. “We have this certain hope like a strong, unbreakable anchor holding our souls to God himself. Our anchor of hope is fastened to the mercy seat which sits in the heavenly realm beyond the sacred threshold, and where Jesus, […]
Keep Reading →Everyone has an opinion and advice on what to do about the Coronavirus Pandemic. Even ISIS has weighed in, warning its followers to stay away from Europe so they don’t get infected. Here at The Agitator we’re focused on the effects the pandemic will have on fundraising in hopes we can offer some helpful insights, advice and additional resources. To that end last week we issued the first of what will be a series of Agitator Updates –information over and above our scheduled posts– and we’ll continue to send them to all readers via email. Over the weekend we touched base with lots of veteran […]
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